XZ1000A Machine HDD was sent to Iran
Times Asia Group Limited
The machine HDD XZ1000A was sent to Iran at the end of May 2016. This setting HDD XZ1000A for trenchless laying of communications. Feed force and pulling 100 tons, equipped with a crane manipulator, drill rod 114X6000mm. With the installation of the HDD shipped with rods Vermeer (VERMEER) D33X44, D7X11.

Times Asia Group Limited spetsialiruet supplies HDD installation of XCMG, drill rods for all models of the HDD, including Vermeer, Ditch Witch, Case.

 +86-21-33634649  aliaosa@mail.ru                 jw921_ru@hotmail.com
 +86-13764513349  aliaosa5
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